On Monday, two very important celebrations took place for our lower school students.
After the Lower School Awards Chapel on Monday, fifth-graders and their families participated in an SBCS promotion tradition called Crossing the Street Ceremony. As a visual demonstration of our 5th graders being promoted to middle school, each of them shakes the hands of their teachers on the lower school side of the street, crosses to the center of the street to receive their promotion certificate from Mrs. Becky Link, Assistant Principal over the Lower School, and then finishes crossing the street to the upper school to shake hands with the Head of School and Upper School Principal.

Fifth-grade class.
This year, each of our 34 fifth-graders was promoted to middle school. Students decorated sidewalk squares with chalk for their families and dressed up for the occasion. Parents, siblings, and grandparents cheered from the sidewalk, held signs and banners, and even fired some confetti cannons. At the end of the ceremony, families and teachers fellowshipped in the gym, posed for pictures, and students were able to take home a personalized cake to celebrate.
Images of the 5th Grade Crossing the Street Ceremony.
In addition, Kindergarten Graduation took place Monday night. Mrs. Becky Link, Assistant Principal over the Lower School, welcomed families and kindergarten students, then kindergartener Reagan Sunday opened the ceremony with a prayer. Kindergarteners spoke scripture, sang songs, and recited poetry before heading off stage to put on their caps and gowns. While they were changing, the audience was entertained and delighted with performances by students in our K-4 class.

Kindergarten class.
Finally, 24 kindergarten students, dressed in caps and gowns, filed into the sanctuary and took their places in front of the stage as Mrs. Kyndra Archenbronn played “Pomp and Circumstance” on the piano. They each patiently waited for their names to be called, then walked up on stage. They shook the hand of our Head of School, Mr. Dwayne Carson, received their diploma from Mrs. Link, and then hugged their teacher while parents took pictures.
Images of Kindergarten Graduation.
We look forward to seeing all these students return in the fall to pursue excellence in the next stage of their academic journey. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind,” 2 Timothy 1:7.